Lauter-day Brewers serving at this years Mountain Brewers Festival!
This June the club has reserved a spot at the Mountain Brewers festival in Idaho Falls on June 7th. Every year there are one or two Idaho based home brew clubs serving, but to the best of my knowledge this will be the first time a Utah club is represented! In addition we will be bringing up a Firkin and a hop randell for some diversity!
Interested in donating and pouring your beer? We were only able to get seven participant passes. Those names have already been submitted to the festival. However that is not going to keep us limited to only seven participants. We plan on rotating members through in order to help server the beer they have donated. If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer, please leave a reply. Zach is helping to organize this event and will make sure everyone that wants to get invovled has a chance.