July Meeting Recap
We had a good turnout at this month’s meeting a Clay Turnbow’s house. There were about 30 brewers there and a few new faces too. Usually we have an educational topic and discussion at these Open Meetings but this month was a little different.
Brewers who attended the 2015 NHC in San Diego shared their experience and recommended several presentations/sessions worth checking out. In case you didn’t know, all AHA members have access to all NHC session recordings and PDFs of any presentations on the AHA website.
There are also a few events coming up and we spent some time talking about those as well:
The first is the upcoming AHA Research and Education Fund project we are going to be doing. If you don’t know about the AHA REF, go check it out here. It’s a pretty cool initiative by the AHA to further the hobby. Our project is a study in hop utilization. We will be trying to determine if using various means of hop filtration during the boil has any effect on hop utilization. We will be doing five boils, each using a different method of hop filtration: none, muslin sack, nylon bag, 4″ diameter stainless spider, 8″ diameter stainless spider.
Come on out and join us for this on Sunday, July 19th. It’s an open event where a lot can be learned and you can be a part of a study that will be published and made available to over 45,000 AHA members. Check out the Event page for more details.
Next, one of our members is going to be on The Brewing Network: The Session on Monday, July 27th. Brian McKray will be sharing some home brew and commercial brew from 2 Row Brewing as well as talking about the Lauter Day Brewers, home brewing in Utah, craft beer in Utah and possibly a discussion on alcohol laws in the state. Visit thebrewingnetwork.com for information on listening live or to download the recorded episode.
The Beehive Brewoff is only a few weeks away and the deadline for entries is even sooner. Check out the Beehive Brewoff page for more information and be sure to submit some beers. It’s great for you as a brewer to get excellent feedback and we love exceptional club representation so be sure to mark down the Lauter Day Brewers as your club (*cough* Paul *cough*).
Next month’s Members Meeting will be on August 16th. We have to move the date back a week due to the Beehive Brewoff awards ceremony at the Bayou that hopefully you will all be at. Look for emails and check out the event page for more information.
We are also going to begin a sign up on the website for brewers who would like to brew for the firkin for club meetings. So be on the lookout for that.
Filling out those forms is hard. There’s all these boxes and things…