Project Description
Home Town (City, State): Cottonwood Heights, Ut
I’ve been a homebrewer since: Fall 2013
Do you have a homebrewing disaster you’d like to share? Not Yet
What is your favorite style(s) to brew? IPA’s or Stouts.
What style(s) will you never brew? American Lager
What was the first beer you ever brewed? How did it turn out? it was a Brown ale, the beer was good but a little flat due to bottling.
Have you ever had a homebrew mistake that turned out great? I brewed a Salted caramel porter that smelled like rotten eggs. after a few weeks letting it clarify out it became amazing
What is your favorite beer recipe? LemonDrop Saison
Are you a BJCP Judge? If so, what is your rank and how long have you been judging? No
Describe your brew system. All Grain, Cooler Mash tun, 15 gallon pot.
How frequently do you brew (times/month or /year)? 1-2 times a month
What is your favorite malt? Why? Probably Chocolate, I put it in all my malty beers, it is a great way to add flavor and color
What is your favorite hop? Why? Mosaic or Citra, just hops that I can not get enough of.
Do you have a favorite or house yeast? What qualities do you like about that yeast? Not really, I have changed the yeast depending on the beer I brew
Do you have any pets or kids named after beer styles or ingredients? No, but I have beers named after pets.
How many medals have you won from homebrew competitions? 1 gold in my first ever competition.
Do you brew alone, with friends or with someone you live with? Alone, sometimes with my wives help
Are you an indoor or outdoor brewer? Outdoor, I would love to be an indoor brewer.
List some of the names you’ve given your beers. Which is your favorite? Favorite is Happy Panda Milk Stout, it is named after our dog. another is Black Lab Black IPA.
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