Project Description
Who Are You: Brian McKray
Home Town (City, State): Anchorage originally but Utah for a loooong time.
I’ve been a homebrewer since: 2008
What is your favorite style(s) to brew? IPAs, I make a log of Belgians for my wife. I allso love stouts.
What style(s) will you never brew? Never say never but American Light Lagers are a safe bet.
What was the first beer you ever brewed? How did it turn out? I brewed a Honey Wheat. I hated it. The honey character was awful. Still not sure what I did wrong.
Have you ever had a homebrew mistake that turned out great? Probably the best was an under-attenuated Belgian Golden that I pitched Brett into. Turned out really nice.
What is your favorite beer recipe? Probably my Porter. Just a solid and well-balanced beer that is pretty easy to make and enjoyable any time of the year.
Are you a BJCP Judge? If so, what is your rank and how long have you been judging? Yes. I’m a Certified judge and have been judging for the last 3 or 4 years
Do you have a good beer judging story you’d like to share with the rest of the homebrewing world? Not really a story but maybe some advice: Don’t be a douche. Judging is pretty subjective and you don’t know as much as you think.
Do you have a favorite homebrew trick or gadget that you’ve found to make your beer better/brewing easier, etc? I love my Brew Bucket. The Fermostat is amazing too. Also, being able to whirlpool in the kettle helps on so many levels.
Describe your brew system. My HLT is a 13gal rectangular cooler which I use to gravity fly sparge from. I have a 10gal stainless MT and a 15gal BK from from SS Brew Tech. I have a RIMS tube, a Chugger Pump and a 25’ immersion chiller.
How frequently do you brew (times/month or /year)? Typically once or twice a month.
How many medals have you won from homebrew competitions? A few.
Do you brew alone, with friends or with someone you live with? Alone. I do enjoy brewing with friends but it definitely messes with my process and flow.
Are you an indoor or outdoor brewer? Garage. But I am working on bringing it back inside someday.
List some of the names you’ve given your beers. Which is your favorite? Wayward Son Porter; Prodigal Son Porter; Pliny the Bastard; Welcome Back Carter Saison.
Prodigal Son is my favorite.
Project Details
- Date June 13, 2017
- Tags Member Profiles
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